Tag: sketchcomedy
“That’s as Far as We Got”
If you've been yearning for us to cram 10 pounds of comedy into a 5 pound laugh sack, this is your lucky podsnack day. Introducing the Doc Octopus of sketches. Written by Bob Merlotti. Voices by Kathy Nagler, Andy Bobrow, Katherine Pryor, Barry Burdiak, Meg Ruddy, Monica Orozco, Dennis Ryan, Chris Cady, Dave Gerbosi, Dave Hughes, Bob Merlotti, and Humpy the Wonder Platypus. Original music, sound design, and mix by David Gerbosi.
The Empath
CBS takes a back seat to no network when it comes to dramas with their finger on our faint national pulse. The origin story here alone is worthy of a People's Choice Award nomination. Written by Bob Merlotti. Voices by Andrés duBouchet, Kathy Nagler, Katherine Pryor, Meg Ruddy, David Gerbosi, and Bob Merlotti. Mixed by David Gerbosi.
Proposition 23
Tired of logjammed government? Then support Proposition 23, and let's get our elected officials working for us again! Written by Bob Merlotti. Voices by Andrés duBouchet, Meg Ruddy, Katherine Pryor, David Gerbosi, and Bob Merlotti.Mixed by David Gerbosi.
First Responders Bar & Grill
They're first on the scene when disaster strikes, but who rescues those who rescue? First Responders Bar & Grill, that's who. Writtern by Bob Merlotti. Voices by Barry Burdiak, Kathy Nagler, Dave Gerbosi, Dennis Ryan, and Bob Merlotti.Recorded at Quilted Studios West and on the Great Midwestern Plains, and mixed by Dave Gerbosi.
The sketch comedy show you can enjoy in the time it takes to scream about the futility of existence.
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